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VP Services

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Virtual Paralegals


Propel Paralegal Services is a cutting-edge provider of comprehensive virtual paralegal services tailored to meet the diverse needs of today's attorneys. With a team of experienced senior-level paralegals, attorneys can rely on Propel to deliver top-notch, on-demand assistance across various legal matters. Their flexible, cost-effective solutions help streamline workflow, increase productivity and ensure client satisfaction. By embracing the power of virtual collaboration, Propel Paralegal Services empowers legal professionals to focus on their core competencies while benefiting from the expertise and efficiency of a seasoned paralegal support team. 

Our VP Services



Hourly 1099 Virtual Paralegal Services





Monthly 1099 Virtual Paralegal Subscription Staffing

10 Hours per month 1099 Virtual Paralegal


20 Hours per month 1099 Virtual Paralegal


40 Hours per month  1099 Virtual Paralegal


60 Hours per month  1099 Virtual Paralegal



Weekly1099 Virtual Paralegal Subscription Staffing

10 Hours per week  1099 Virtual Paralegal



20 Hours per week 1099 Virtual Paralegal



40 Hours per week  1099 Virtual Paralegal



60 Hours per week  1099 Virtual Paralegal




Schedule Your Consult With Propel!

Schedule your no obligation consult with Propel here!

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